Thursday, February 23, 2006

Louis Andriessen in Rochester

Louis Andiressen
這幾天停留在Rochester,正好遇到dutch guest composer, Louis Andriessen來Eastman School of Music三天,也去參加了Andriessen對作曲學生辦的symposium and a master class. Rochester這個地方是個很典型的美國城市,沒有什麼高樓大廈,建築物大部分是平房,而且也沒有什麼好玩的地方,雖然身上仍有時差問題需要調整,也希望不要白費這幾天停留在Rochester的時間,我還是打起精神去參加了。

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


台北時間早上四點半,被牧師的morning call吵醒,凌晨牧師在一路順暢的情況下,送我到桃園中正機場,謝謝牧師臨行前的代禱,讓我對此行不再是如此擔憂。昨夜徹夜打包行李的我,睡眠不足,也不出所料,過早來機場等機,也全然睡不著。

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Schedule of America Trip

2/20 United Airlines

UA800 TPE-NRT 1030-1430
UA884 NRT-ORD 1520-1153
UA242 ORD-ROC 1315-1559

2/21 Ciminelli Lounge

Master Class of Louis Andriessen 1400-1630

2/22 Eastman School of Music

Composition Symposium of Louis Andriessen 1030-1230

2/22 Rochester

University of Rochester

2/22 Eastman Theatre

Concert of Eastman Philharmonica 2000  

2/24 Eastman School of Music
Interview of International Students 1030
Group Meeting 1130
Interview with Composition Faculty 1340
Primary Piano 1445
Reception 1600

2/25 Amtrak

Rochester- Albany
48 Lakeshore Limited ROC-ALB 0808-1230
Albany- Boston (South Station)
488 Lakeshore Limited ALB-BOS 1300-1820

2/27 MBTA- Back Bay Station (Orange Line)

Trinity Church, John Hancock Tower, New England Medical Center and Copley Square

2/28 MBTA- Aquaium Station (Blue Line)

New England Aquarium, Old State House, Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market

3/1 MBTA- Harvard Station (Red Line)

Harvard University

3/3 MBTA- Museum of Fine Arts Station (Green E Line)

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

3/4 Boston

Beacon Hill, Public Garden, China Town

3/4 Amtrak

Boston (South Station)- New York (Penn Station)
135 Regional Service BOS-NYP 1345-1745

3/5 The Juilliard School

The Composition Test of Juilliard School 1200-1500

3/6 Manhattan, New York City

Macy's, Empire State Building, Virgin Music Store, Grace Church, Washington Square, Soho, China Town, Rockefeller Tower, Radio City, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Atlas Statue, St. Thomas Church,Trump Tower, Central Park

3/7 The Juilliard School

Interview with Samuel Adler 1140
Interview with Milton Babbitt 1210
Interview with John Corigliano 1240
Interview of International Students 1310
Interview with Christopher Rouse 1400
Interview with Robert Beaser 1430

3/7 MTA- Fulton Street (2nd Red Line)

South Street Sea Port

3/7 Amtrak

New York (Penn Station)- Boston (South Station)
2172 Acela Express NYP-BOS 1900-2235

3/8 United AirlinesBoston-Chicago
UA533 BOS-ORD 1000-1147
UA883 ORD-NRT 1252-1705(next day)
UA801 NRT-TPE 1820-2130


Staying Places:

2/20-2/24 Jimmy's Home*** Alexander St. Apt.2
Rochester, NY 14607

2/25-3/3 YiYen's Home** Florence Street Apt.514
Malden, MA 02148

3/4-3/6 Hotel Stanford
43 W 32nd St., NY 10001

3/7 YiYen's Home
** Florence Street Apt.514
Malden, MA 02148

The Track of Time: 最後一天在美國的日記
The Track of Time: Walking in New York City
The Track of Time: The Juilliard Interview
The Track of Time: Knowledgeable Boston
The Track of Time: I'm coming, Boston!
The Track of Time: Louis Andriessen in Rochester
The Track of Time: 二月二十日是個很長的一天
Official Website: United Airlines
Official Website: Eastman School of Music
Official Website: University of Rochester
Official Website: Amtrak
Official Website: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Official Website: Trinity Church in Boston
Official Website: Tufts Medical Center
Official Website: New England Aquarium
Official Website: Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Official Website: Harvard University
Official Website: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Official Website: Beacon Hill Online
Official Website: Juilliard School
Official Website: Macy's
Official Website: Empire State Building
Official Website: Grace Church in New York
Official Website: Rockefeller Center
Official Website: Radio City
Official Website: Central Park NYC
Official Website: South Street Seaport
Official Website: Hotel Stanford

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Panasonic FX9之木柵動物園初試啼聲

終於摸熟了新的數位相機Panasonic FX9,決定帶他出去玩。不過挑的不是好時間,是「情人節」,不知為何情人節應該沒放假吧,可是園區還是有很多情人,一對一對地,在看動物。怪的勒,動物園應該是攜家帶眷一起玩的場所,帶情人來,亂沒情調的,而且當你走到蒙古野馬、美洲野牛,或是犀牛區,臭到包準情人臉上會多出很多條皺紋來。

Monday, February 13, 2006



Saturday, February 4, 2006


台灣首播"ごくせん" (極道鮮師2)在去年我服役的期間,沒有時間可以看,正好趁著過年春假期間,在緯來日本台看了第二次的播映。夾著續篇的威力,以平均收視率27.83%,最終回甚至高達32.5%的驚人成績,跟前篇一樣,故事的結構仍呈現校園劇老套的模式,但是明知道老套,卻每一集總是會莫名其妙的感動。有人或許會認為收視率長紅不見得一定好看,但是ごくせん卻一反常態,還贏了第44回日劇作品賞的最佳作品,的確實至名歸。

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